Chiropractic Doctor Near Tallahassee Community College (TCC) Discusses Car Accident Treatments
Each human life is sacred and is equally valuable. Yet, the startling statistics for auto accidents make them seem inevitable no matter how much safety we practice. Despite of 90.7% of nationwide wide seatbelt usage, every year on an average 6 million car accidents take place in U.S.
It’s no wonder why automobile insurance is the most common in one of the busiest nations of the world. While car insurance will reimburse the loss to your vehicle, what about your recovery? Even after the initial treatment is given, some injuries can leave us with lasting chronic pain.
Visiting an auto injury chiropractor in Tallahassee fl 32303 will help you in restoring your neck and back mobility, especially in a whiplash.
This is a common injury that people suffer in a car accident. It is a sudden and painful jerk in the neck being hit by either forward, backward or on the rear-end. It can cause inflammation in the neck muscles and misalignment in the spine. Our chiropractors will help you in easing the stiffness through manual therapy and ultrasound techniques for whiplash treatment.
If not treated in time, these injuries could leave you in life-long acute distress. Visiting a chiropractor will help you with all things, right from the diagnosis to the post-recovery care.
Our chiropractic clinic in Tallahassee FL 32303 offers a free consultation with Dr. Eric Pragle. In case, you aren’t sure whether you even need chiropractic care? We will give you a rundown on how our services can help you with speeding up your recovery.
Delaying your treatment and neglecting the symptoms can worsen your situation. Sometimes the pain and internal injuries manifest later but seeking the treatment on time will help you to minimize post-accident recovery time.
You must be wondering, why is chiropractic care better than your traditional medical treatment?
A chiropractor can relieve you from the ordeal of taking heavy painkillers and offer a far more effective healing approach. Rather than trying to mask your pain we will target the cause directly, in the least invasive way possible. With methods like muscle massage, spinal manipulation and joint realignment, you are safe from the risk of side-effects from heavy medication.
While our bodies are great with self-healing getting the services of a well-trained and knowledgeable chiropractor can help you improve your condition, especially of the hidden issues you aren’t aware of.
So, if you have been looking for a chiropractor near Tallahassee 32303 then Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident And Massage Clinic Tallahassee is your best choice. We can also help you seeking the compensation claim along with driving you out from the neck and back pain.
We keep safety and hygiene a priority and offer only clean and hygienic facilities for our patients.
Our services are catered to your comfort and we offer a relaxing environment with services like foot soak and massages.
Don’t let an accident cause you impairment for a lifetime, seek the gentle and non-invasive treatment from Dr. Eric Pragle and get back to your healthy routine.
Remember, being proactive today can prevent a crisis tomorrow.
You can contact us and book a free consultation and know all about our chiropractic services.